Monday, August 21, 2006
A week later

One week after the Israeli Lebanese cease fire, let's take a look, has anything changed ?
- The Iranians are going ahead with their nuclear programmers and have been conducting a big military maneuver. They are sending weapons to the Hezbollah threw Turkey.
- The Syrians are threatening Israel and are insulting the rest of the Arab leaders.
- The Hezbollah is reaming and preparing for the next round of fighting and terror in the region.
- The Lebanese government had "reached" an agreement with the Hezbollah in which the Hezbollah doesn't have to apply with U.N security council resolution 1701 and doesn't have to disarm itself now the Hezbollah just need to hide it's weapons.
- The French, who were the leaders of the cease fire, are barley sending any soldiers to south Lebanon. All they wanted are headlines in the news papers to show to the rest of the world how France is important and what a big role it has in the E.U.
- The rest of the world has hardly any interest in 1701, now that there are no more rockets and air crafts they think the work has been done.
- Meanwhile the Hezbollah is not been disarmed and is rearming and preparing for the next round of violence, when Israel is imposing the U.N weapons embargo on the Hezbollah it gets criticized by the rest of the world and especially by the U.N Secretary general.
- All of those above lead to two conclusions:
- The U.N and it's security council are no more the a huge joke, nobody implements any of their resolutions. The only time in history when a U.N. resolution was taken very serious was in the end of world war II regarding Germany and it's armed forces. The only reason that happened is because Nazi Germany whose totally destroyed by the ellay's.
- It's a mater of time until the fighting will start again, this time for the sake of everyone I hope we will be prepared, and that the Hezbollah and it's ellay's will be totally destroyed, so when the fighting will really end there will be long lasting peace, just like in Europe.
# posted by Mickey : 22:21