Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Interesting facts

- It wide excepted that in World war II the Germans were the aggressors.
- The total death is estimated around 52,000,000 people, which most of them are soldiers. Only in two countries the number of civilian casualties exited those of their army's. Poland & Germany.
- In Germany around 62,850,000 people died in the war, which are 9.5 % of the German population in the beginning of the war, 3,600,000 civilians, 3,250,000 soldiers.
- Just for example in Great Britain only 388,000 people died, which are 0.8% of the population. 326,000 of them were soldiers and only 62'000 were civilians.
- One can't avoid asking him self if maybe the reaction of the alley's was a little bit out of proportion.
- In the last 21 days theirs been fighting in the Israel-Lebanon border, a lot of people world wide ask them self if Israel's reaction was a bit exaggerated.
- As an human I'm sorry for all the people who die, no matter there political views or there religion. But as an Israel if fear for my life. The same way the R.A.F had to bomb Germany and kill people, we have to defend our selfs. The only deferent is that they killed civilians on propos, we don't.
- At the end of World War II the R.A.F missed the Gestapo headqutars in Denmark and it a children's hospital the out come was 85 dead Danish children. Unfortunately people die in wars, that's what's going in Lebanon.
- I wonder if someone in Europe, would have don something else in World War II and take the risk of lousing to the Germans ???
# posted by Mickey : 22:55