Sunday, August 20, 2006
Take control

There's been a lot of talking about a Lebanese army in the last two weeks since the Lebanese prime minister proposed that the Lebanese army would take control over southern Lebanon. One must ask him self were has the Lebanese army been since the Israelis left southern Lebanon six years ago, here are a few possible answers:
- The Lebanese army is too wick and can't take control of southern Lebanon and the country.
- The Lebanese army doesn't want to fight the Hezbollah and is too afraid.
- The Lebanese army is controlled by the Hezbollah and there for wouldn't fight it.
It looks like all of the above are right, the Israelis had been waiting for the Lebanese army for six years but they failed to take control. As a consequence the fighting broke again after six years and then again the Lebanese army didn't stop the Hezbollah, instead they ran away from the very few outposts they had in south Lebanon. I understand that most Lebanese are afraid from another civil war and are looking to find a big consensus with in Lebanese society, but there is no consensus now, all there is, is Shiite terror on Lebanese society.
It's about time that the Lebanese do to the Shiite terror what they did to the Syrians. I've been reading on the web a lot about the Lebanese independence intifada the same should be done to the Hezbollah, if the Shiite want to be a part of the society they must except the legal government, there laws and there army. That's the only way Lebanon would get real independence, and I'm also sure that when there is a real freedom and independence in Lebanon people will have better lives, and I'm also sure that it will bring peace with Israel a lot closer.
If the Lebanese army want to take control of it's country they need a lot of help from the U.S. and the E.U., the kind of help the Hezbollah if afraid from, they want the U.N. which had proved in the past that it can't do nothing to help Lebanon. Unifil has been sitting in Lebanon since 1949, what did it do ? Nothing !
I hope this time the people of Lebanon will take control of there lives.
# posted by Mickey : 21:28