Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
On the way home

Saturday, July 29, 2006

All ready three weeks there's fighting in northon Israel, this time theirs a feeling we had enough. Suicide bombers, kidnappings and now rockets & missiles. The only thing you can see on television is news, all day news.
But still after three weeks the feeling is bad, Hezbollah is still operating, solders are getting killed, a third of the country is under bombing. We only want our solders back and to live quietly with our neighbours. A radical Islamic Shi'ite terrorist organization has taken the middle east and the world as their hostage. No one can defeat them everyone is afraid of them. The funny thing is that no one wants the even the Lebanese. I can't think of being a Christian in Lebanon, living under fear from those monsters, especially Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah is no deferent then Al Qeada if not worth then them, for a long time theirs been prove of a relation between them through the Iranians. The U.N. has past at 2004 a securty council resolution 1559, but has don nothing aginst the Hezbollah that would help the people in Lebanon or make the middle east a safer place.